Bingo Chat Lingo
BRB? WTG? ROFL? This Is The Online Bingo Player’s Guide To Chat Lingo.
Unclear of the terminology used in at Bingo Cabin? Use the following list to grasp the lingo of virtual bingo!
The chat rooms at Bingo Cabin are what make the Bingo Cabin community online so warm and friendly, but it can be confusing if you’re not aware of all of the and . Fact is, there are a plethora of terms and interpretations – some of which are exaggerated, annoying and overused – but in your mission to become an enlightened bingo player, it helps to know a bit of to avoid looking like a rookie.
Whether you play chat bingo games at Bingo Cabin or elsewhere, the following list focuses on chat lingo you must have in your vocabulary so you are never at a loss for words. Don’t worry; you’ll be an expert in no time and have fun learning the language too! Class is in session.
Lingo | Meaning | Lingo | Meaning |
(((NAME))) | Hugs | L8R | Later | ||
*G* | Giggle or grin | L8R G8R | Later gator |
*H* | Hug | LMAO | Laughing my ass off | ||
*K* | Kiss | LOFTING | Talking in private chat (the loft) |
*S* | Smile | LOL | Laughing out loud | ||
*W* | Wink | LTNS | Long time no see |
1TG | 1 bingo ball to bingo | LUWAMH | Love you with all my heart | ||
2TG | 2 bingo balls to bingo | LY | Love ya |
3TG | 3 bingo balls to bingo | NETUA | Nobody ever tells us anything | ||
AFAIK | As far as I know | NP | No problem |
AFK | Away from keyboard | OIC | Oh I see | ||
AFK2P | Away from keyboard to pee | OMG | Oh my goodness (gawd) |
AKA | Also known as | OTOH | On the other hand | ||
ASAP | As soon as possible | PITA | Pain in the ass |
BBIAM | Be back in a minute | PM | Private message | ||
BBL | Be back later | POOF | I have left the chat |
BBS | Be back soon | PPL | People | ||
BDT | Bout darn time | QT | Cutie |
BF | Boyfriend | RE | Hi again (as re's) | ||
BLNT | Better luck next time | ROFL | Rolling on floor laughing |
BRB | Be right back | ROFLMAO | Rolling on floor laughing my ass off | ||
BTW | By the way | RTF | Read the FAQ |
CYA | See ya | RTSM | Read the stupid manual | ||
CYAL8R | See ya later | SAC | Sorry all close |
EMSG | Email message | SO | Significant other | ||
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions | SOHF | Sense of humor failure |
FWIW | For what it’s worth | SPAM | Stupid person's advertisement | ||
FYI | For your information | SRY | Sorry |
GF | Girlfriend | SS | So sorry | ||
GG | Good going or good game | SWAK | Sealed with a kiss |
GL | Good luck | SWL | Screaming with laughter | ||
GLA | Good luck all | SYS | See you soon |
GLE | Good luck everyone | TC | Take care | ||
GM | Good morning | TOY | Thinking of you |
GMTA | Great minds think alike | TPTB | The powers that be | ||
GN | Good night | TTFN | Ta ta for now |
GTSY | Glad to see you | TTYL | Talk to you later | ||
H&A | Hug and kiss | TX | Thanks |
HB | Hurry back | TY | Thank you | ||
HHIS | Hanging head in shame | TYVM | Thank you very much |
IC | I see | VEG | Very evil grin | ||
IGPI | In my opinion | WB | Welcome back |
IRL | In real life | WTG | Way to go | ||
IYKWIM | If you know what I mean | WTH | What or who the heck |
JK | Just kidding | WYSIWYG | What you see is what you get | ||
JMO | Just my opinion | YBS | You’ll be sorry |
JTLYK | Just to let you know | YMMV | Your mileage may vary | ||
KIT | Keep in touch | YSR | Yeah sure right |
KOTC | Kiss on the cheek | YVW | You’re very welcome | ||
KOTL | Kiss on the lips | YW | You’re welcome |
Emoticons – use Bingo Cabin’s to convey feelings and define tone.
The list below features the you can use at Bingo Cabin and all you need to know about the icon in question.
Emoticon | Meaning | Emoticon | Meaning | ||
:) or :-) | Smile | (Y) or (y) | Yes |
;-) or ;) | Wink | (N) or (n) | No |
:-D or :d | LOL (Laughing out loud) | (F) or (f) | Flower |
:-P or :p | Tongue | (K) or (k) | Kiss or red lips |
:-$ or :$ | Blushing or embarrassed | (L) or (l) | Heart or love |
:-O or :o | Surprised | (U) or (u) | Broken heart |
:-S or :s | Confused | (*) | Star |
:-| or :| | Disappointed | (^) | Cake |
:-( or :( | Sad | (C) or (c) | Coffee or cup |
:'( | Crying | (D) or (d) | Drink |
:-@ or :@ | Angry or cross | (T) or (t) | Telephone |
(A) or (a) | Angel | (S) or (s) | Sleep |
(6) | Devil | brb | BRB (Be right back) |
afk | AFK (Away from keyboard) |
I play this everyday.
Fabulous Game! Feels like you are in a real-life bingo hall, without all the yelling.
Fabulous Game! Feels as if you’re inside a real-life bingo hall, without all of the shouting.
Been playing for 4 years!!! There isn’t a better bingo game out there! This is my favourite bingo game I’ve ever played! It’s fun and challenging.
Love this game !! Love to spend my free time during the night when my husband goes to bed !
I love this game. Absolutely the best bingo game available.